
City of Kelowna Infill Design Competition
Honorable Mention

How can the critical assets of the auto-oriented suburban home be rearranged to create a dense, resilient, and pedestrian-oriented living experience? The proposal challenges the traditional suburban lot arrangement in favor of compact housing units sited within a network of shared and private outdoor spaces. It is a ‘patchwork quilt’ consisting of agricultural/recreational outdoor spaces stitched together with compact housing units. The alternating pattern of open space and built volume allows both the landscape and homes to receive ample daylight and air while creating unique opportunities for bridging indoor-outdoor environments.

A New, Yet Familiar Identity

The rich landscape of Kelowna and it’s identity as one of the greenest cities in Canada is carefully considered and is a major driving force in this proposal. As the city continues to grow and development proliferates to support the expanding population, careful integration and preservation of the landscape will be crucial to nurturing and enhancing biodiversity, ultimately contributing to the long-term health of the city and it’s residents.

A central outdoor living room, doubling as a rain garden, is framed by all housing units. Utilizing Kelowna’s lush and calming native landscape to create communal and private outdoor rooms, the central garden encourages Kelownians to connect with their neighbours while providing each unit with outdoor space.

Compact living spaces are designed to connect seamlessly to outdoor rooms; encouraging healthier living and working habits, bringing occupants closer to Kelowna’s landscape, allowing natural ventilation, and fostering a stronger sense of community.

The rich landscape of Kelowna and it’s identity as one of the greenest cities in Canada is carefully considered and is a major driving force in this proposal. As the city continues to grow and development proliferates to support the expanding population, careful integration and preservation of the landscape will be crucial to nurturing and enhancing biodiversity, ultimately contributing to the long-term health of the city and it’s residents.



